Friday, December 24, 2010

Will Pinguecula Go Away?


I inform you that from today this blog is no longer active!

I created a new blog, which captivates the most professional and dedicate my efforts to introduce you to new opportunities to grow and improve your life using the tools I learned with Neuro Linguistic Programming

find the new blog at this link

I invite you to visit and a trace of your passage.

take this opportunity to wish everyone GOOD PARTY!

I hope to find you again ....

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Tunisia Sahara Camel Trek

Laboratory Company Menoventi 14 to 16 January 2011 at the Theatre of Rosaspina Montescudo

unduly 2011 opens with:
Workshop conducted by the Company Menoventi

14-15 -16 January 2011

A workshop that explores different approaches to the scene following the example of illustrious Queneau, in which the formal divertissement turns and goes up to challenge, by the sheer force of language, the artifice of reality. A continuous change of techniques and tools aimed at seeking new perspectives of the gaze. Some points of support will work on loop, the investigation into the quality the presence of the actor and the study of the relationship, direct or otherwise, between the stage and the spectator.

growth in two different regions of Italy, Consuelo Battiston, Gianni Farina and Alessandro Miele follow different paths in their homelands. United by a common understanding of the theater, founded in 2005, the company Menoventi .

Hours: Friday 15-21 Saturday 10-14 Sunday 15-21
Deadline January 10, 2011

The workshop is open to anyone interested, do not need any experience. The participation fee is 75 €. To subscribe send at an email containing the following data: name, date and place of birth, address and telephone number . The mail must have the purpose Registration lab exercises.
You will receive confirmation of enrollment. Participants will be required to pay the fee 1 to January 10, 2011 by bank transfer to:

Cassa di Risparmio di Ravenna SpA
IBAN: IT67E0627023701CC0310088686

A copy of the transfer receipt must be sent by mail to

For information on the laboratory Alessandro +39 349-3241584; ; ;
For information on hospitality and unduly 2011 Cristiana +39 347-5838040; Simona +39 347 5267727

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Sun Dried Mango Benefits

candy pink dessert table ... cakes ... cakes .... marshmallows .... it's a candy table!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Variables Of Ap Biology Lab 6

What is a habit?

Man is the only creature to possess and develop articulate speech. Always wondered where they come from the his mental processes, are his thoughts, his language, his emotions.
Our brain goes back to eight hundred million years ago and has since undergone continuous evolutionary mutations weighs about 1,400 grams. and includes about 10 billion nerve cells, neurons that are connected to each other through neurotransmitters, dendrites and synapses; the nervous system and will carry messages from the brain to every organ and every cell of our body.
cells of the brain, neurons are the only cells that once you die you do not duplicate, unlike other cells. How then does the brain of an adult to maintain his weight and volume if the neurons continue to die? Dendrites are the synapses that give weight and volume continue to decrease ... but the neurons are formed thousands of links. From start new neuron dendrites to synapses that together are going to connect with another neuron, allowing the connection of thoughts, ideas, information, skills and subsequently to the brain increasing potential. The more we experience a different life, the more useful links will be created to impart intelligence. And the more we repeat a behavior and neurological level to create a more dense network of synapses that would give that behavior validity and capacity building.
It 'important to understand the functioning of our brain are therefore known, we can act consciously to go and decide what to put in it, such as habits and behaviors to go to strengthen, rather than acting at the mercy of the situations or emotions of the moment.
Each skill has to become automatic need for repetition ... something done once and will not be just a habit ... To make it a habit we have to do it and redo it so many times until we do without thinking about it ... CCR will be the action that will render unconscious.

All this is of great advantage when trying to change habits that are not useful. Becoming aware that there is a path in our brain chemical that acts and makes us continue to repeat the wrong actions that we believe helps us to understand that it is us be wrong .. is not that we are unable, or worse still failed because they always err in the same situations. So away guilt! I'm just bad habits or bad behaviors consolidated over time by continuous practice and therefore the dense network of neuronal connections that supports them.
are therefore merely a habit. If we begin to find alternative actions to those habits, if we start to beat as you beat a small path by dint of walking on a road becomes a bit 'at a time here we will also create a dense network of synapses, which supports new action and make something recognizable at a subconscious level, so we created a new CUSTOM PROFIT.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Whey Protein Pregnancy

winter photoshoot

Today I propose a very short preview of the photoshoot made in collaboration with the exception of two photographers: Valentina Aulicino and Annamaria Amura.
The idea was to create a setting using the colors of the winter ice and snow, broken by a clear sky.

Over the next other days I'll show you pictures of this photoshoot ...

Monday, November 22, 2010

Spectrobes Beyond The Portals All Custom Parts

I believe ... I do not believe ... PRESENTATION OF THE WORKSHOP

It 's a week on my blog is the presentation of the Seminar NLP, weight and beauty.
Many have visited my page and thank you very much for your attention and time that you have dedicated. I

in the macrocosm of the Web is an extremely small particles and have had such a high number of visits fills me with satisfaction.

I'd love to know what were your impressions compared to this new workshop that I propose in our wonderful city, Turin, often forgotten as regards the possibility to participate in training and growth, so much to see often forced to go elsewhere.

guess your comments spazino a "mmhhhh ... I do not think is possible ..." to "yes, I think it's possible ..." comments come a little bit from our experience and our beliefs.

Whatever was your impression, I'm happy to provide this opportunity to anyone who wants it and I hope in some of your comments here on the blog. To get an immediate feedback on the work I am doing with so much passion ...

And the journey continues .....

Friday, November 19, 2010

Mating Of Lovebirds In Cage

White, turquoise and white!

A truly magical combination of colors.


Thursday, November 18, 2010

16th Birthday Clipart


Monday December 6, 2010 - 21 hours
at the Library "In the house of cards"
Via Gioberti 61 / d - TORINO

The new course for those who wish to find the f
physical footprint by using a new tool:
How many times have you tried to go back in shape? How many diets have started and never completed? How much you envy those who are fit and seem to enjoy the delicacies of the table?
It is now well known: diets do not work. Why do you say what you eat but do not tell you who you have become!
This workshop will teach you to find the right harmony with yourself and with food, learning to recognize hunger "real" than the "emotional". You will learn to become a person
lean naturally. "
If we change our approach to food, unless we learn to manage stress times of unplugging from the thought of eating to "compensate" all the efforts that we will be in vain. need to act at different levels: not only behavior but the beliefs we have about it.
Based on NLP techniques, learn to change our
beliefs, our attitudes, our habits
to go back to being naturally thin person.
will learn the "rules of winning" to use at the time of meals that will become a healthy habit that will allow us
back into shape.
E 'reservation to the welcome presentation paragraph 011.5681340 or 3332805239 to

Antique Bed Converter Rails


TRAGEDY OF MINERS IN CHILE: if it happened in Italy ...

If that had happened in a mine in Italian, things would go like this:

Day 1: all united to save the miners live TV 24 hours, Bertolaso \u200b\u200bon the spot.

Day 2: Bruno Vespa model of the mine, with Barbara Palombelli, Belen and Lele Mora. MATRIX locates the friend of a cousin who lives near the mine and the exclusive interview!

Day 3: the first difficulty, the search for culprits and responsibilities:

BERLUSCONI: blame the Communists;
DI PIETRO: guilty of conflict of interest;
BERSANI: ... But what ... has happened?
BOSSI: are all southerners, leave the ';
Capezzone's not a tragedy is a great opportunity and merit of this government and this prime minister;
FINI: My brother is not involved.

Day 4: TOTTI: dedicate a goal for all miners.

Day 5 THE POPE: prekiera do we do to the miners in ke qvesti ciorni zono close to tiavolo!

Day 6: set the audience a window Who has seen and Barbara D'Urso, who interview the children of the miners: "Tell me, do you miss daddy?" '

from 7th to 30th day fail all attempts to Bertolaso, who is appointed as global head of civil protection.

After a month, the miners made their exit to the mine digging with your hands. A year later, the 33 miners, already made redundant, are charged with damage to the mine site.

But it happened in Chile ... We are saved!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Beste Bulma Vegeta Episode

Finally the design of a course that encompasses GNP weight & beauty is ready to go!

page dedicated to the course GNP, weight & BEAUTY find all information about the seminar will be held on January 23, 2011 at Hotel Mercure **** in Turin.
I spent a lot of care and attention to the drafting of the program, so that I can give you everything you need to achieve your goal weight and finally solve this "problem" forever!

Who Do Football Coaches Talk To In The Headset

My baby birthday

A baby compeanno in shades of pink and yellow. A feast for our informal and hilarious baby invited!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Glory Hole Film Husband

I'm back here to offer you new beautiful images. With these winter days, I decided to focus on preparations and white flavor country. Perfect for a Christmas special ...

counry living

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Ross Kemp On Gangs Kenya Special Watch


I propose as an additional THE FOOD PYRAMID instrument approved by our Ministry of Health.

concepts are simple but very valid. Moderation and variety are the basic concepts of this kind of power.

tools to reduce body weight and maintain results over time are essentially three: a proper diet, the practice of regular physical activity and mental work to make your new habits useful for the purpose of , reaching the same weight.

This time we will consider only the first two aspects: power and movement.

supply and proper movement are the only two factors upon which our energy balance . Of course, in theory, "everyone knows", but few can actually put it into practice.
Probably the cause is inadequate nutrition education, perhaps with the same enthusiasm that leads to follow yet another "diet of 7 pounds in 7 days", read some magazines.
E ' important to lose weight in a slow but steady . By reducing too the qualtità and quality of food, our body is adapted by modifying the metabolism (lowering it), and then you can not permanently lose the excess weight.
The requirement for a personal diet is the duty of a physician , but there are a number of general recommendations that all can follow to improve your diet and thus health.
The so-called Italian power, based on traditional Mediterranean model is one that offers the best guarantee of health. It recommends in particular focus largely carbohydrates complex (starch), of regularly consume and vegetables contain intake fat (especially cooked) simple sugars and salt. Moreover, for a really healthy food, is usually taken every day large quantities of fruit and vegetables (at least 400g per day).
is how the Italian food pyramid , commissioned by the Ministry of Health and prepared by the Institute of Food Science, University "La Sapienza" of Rome. The pyramid is divided into 6 plans in which they appear, so climb the various food groups with different colors to emphasize that each (Characterized by a different nutrient content) require different frequencies of consumption . At the base of the pyramid are the foods of plant origin that are characteristic of the "Mediterranean diet" for their abundance of nutrients "Non-Energy (vitamins, minerals, water) and protective compounds (fiber and phytochemicals). Immediately above, the second plant in the frequency of consumption, are the complex carbohydrates such as pasta and bread, also typical of our tradition and fundamental groups of nutrients.

The Food Pyramid Italian

The 55-58% of calories taken each day should come from carbohydrates (pasta, bread, potatoes, cereals in general), 25 -30% from fat, 12-15% protein . The foundation of the pyramid there are simple and basic rules: do daily physical activity and drinking least a liter and a half of water .

As you can see, there are no forbidden foods. What is prohibited feeds the morbid desire ... Everything is permitted because it is the quality that makes a difference, but the quantity!
abolish certain foods not only increases the risk of failure at first there binge, but not good even to our health because our body needs all the elements (minerals, proteins, vitamins, fats, water) in the food composition.

physical movement

We all live hectic between work, family is very little free time. It 'so important to learn to manage that little time that remains for us to dedicate ourselves to our bodies.
Add a bit 'of exercise is important for several reasons:
  • then activates the metabolism and helps burn more
  • the mood is more balanced for increased serotonin in the blood
  • produce more lean body mass and thus eliminating the fat ...
  • body is toned
  • decreases appetite
  • decreases stress
Insert exercise does not necessarily mean sweating hours in the gym ... if you like it better. But if you do not want to or can not go to the gym there are many other ways to "get busy "....
you have kids? Play with them to the ball .. the rope ... run with them .. jump with them ...
you like to dance? Take it easy .. or dancing alone in your living room
Do you have a DVD player? There are many proposals to do exercises at home ... I advise you to those walking home ... make walking on the spot ... (I started from there)
And then there's the Wii Fit, the exercise bike, step, the bike in the park, walking with friends in a fast pace, the stairs instead of the elevator, the car parked a block first, to take the kids to go to school on foot rather than by car ... and then jog around the house, Pilates, the treadmill .... water aerobics ... tai chi ... short search among hundreds of alternatives that you like and you would like to continue .. in time ... because it is the patience the mother of success!

risks of a sedentary lifestyle
The sedentary lifestyle is a predisposing condition, along with poor diet of important diseases, such as:
  • type 2 diabetes
  • heart disease (heart attack, myocardial infarction, stroke, heart failure)
  • venous insufficiency
  • overweight and obesity
  • osteoporosis arthritis
  • hypertension
  • increased levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood
  • certain cancers.
Regular physical activity is a protective factor for cardiovascular disease and diabetes, both in terms of mortality and morbidity.
In particular, it acts by lowering blood pressure and triglycerides in the blood, increasing the HDL (good cholesterol) and improved glucose tolerance.

Ten expert advice
1 - Remember that the movement is essential to prevent many diseases
2 - Try to be less sedentary, in fact, a sedentary lifestyle predisposes to obesity
3 - Children and teenagers should be able to move both at school and in his spare time, preferably outdoors
4 - Exercise is also crucial for the elderly
5 - Moving means to walk, play, dance cycling
6 - If possible, go to work or school on foot
7 - If you can avoid using the lift and do the stairs
8 - Search walk at least 30 minutes a day, every day, at a quick pace
9 - Take advantage of every opportunity to be active (housework, gardening, walking the dog, park the car farther away)
10 - Practice a sport at least 2 times a week (or alternatively use the weekend for walking, cycling, swimming, dancing)

Sunday, October 31, 2010

North Face Outlet Locations

'ALWAYS DO THE SAME THING expecting different results

That said Albert Einstein, the great scientist and if only we pause a moment, we would realize how true this statement holds ...
shame not to stop often, though!

The human being, we have said, is by nature a creature of habit ... that is, repeated actions and behaviors that are normal when they are not useful for this purpose.
proceeds always adopting the same ways of doing things because they are part of his background that repeats those same attitudes even when they do not produce the desired results.
Why? Why is accustomed to do this ...

If we transfer this concept to the objective of losing weight and go back to being a thin person, of course, it happens that often repeat the same patterns again and again, even if you do not give us the desired results. We put on a diet, eliminating certain foods, grams every single food that we bring to the mouth, forcing us to stress that lasts for as long as we call ourselves "good" to desist miserably and return point at the head, before recovering the next time ...
continuous cycle of repeated actions without clear results if not temporary ...

Then, drawing on a phrase that greatest of all time has left us perhaps continue on that road is not the best move ... is not a useful strategy in our target ..

must do something different to get different results ..

And I propose to continue, after having taken into account by modeling the Magri course we know, with an easy tool, always at your fingertips, allowing you to monitor how much and what you eat : rules GiustopesoperSempre

In summary, these brief but know that they are a useful tool that once made you alone will make a difference

The first rule is that of eaten just feel hungry.
What does this mean? It means to eat whenever you feel hungry, the real one, not that the physiological and emotional. How do you tell which is real hunger? With questions:
  • What is my body in this regard? (I feel weak, exhausted? How many hours have passed since the last meal or snack?)
  • If it is not real hunger, I'm trying to meet that need with the desire for food? (I feel tired .. bored .. sad .. angry?)
  • What can I do differently to meet this need that is not eating? (I can find an equally rewarding alternative to food? What can I do and with whom? Who can I ask for help in these moments?
answering these simple questions you are doing two important things: the first are still postponing to eat and the second you're giving your brain an alternative to jet out of control on food

What does this mean? You can eat whatever you want ... there are no forbidden foods .... the chocolate should not be demonized, as well as bread and pasta ... is not the quality that creates problems is the amount .. a square of chocolate eaten with confidence does not do any harm ... chocolate bars are repeated over time that are not good ... You can eat often and in small doses because it keep high and constant level of energy and your metabolism will thank you with gratifying pound less on the scale. If you have observed Magri course you will have realized that they make their way ... difficult to make a gargantuan meals, eat often, always have snacks on hand to break the morning and afternoon waiting for the main meals. And as a result do not get hungry and ready to catapult into the pot.

The third says always leave something in the Pot

I know many of you were horrified ... Not wasting food, you say ... million people die of hunger ... taught me so my parents .. my grandparents ... In short, it's something that just will not do!
But I ask you to reflect on these observations:
  • if clean up your plate and maybe that of your family, how to use six of those poor children who die of hunger?
  • if it bothers you to throw away the leftover food in the trash, when you've eaten the right portion of your nutritional requirements, one that continues to throw in is not always "thrown" even if in your stomach instead of the bucket?
  • We are in 2010 who is here in Italy does not have a refrigerator? Why does not necessarily mean throwing forward? You can not keep the leftover food in the refrigerator for later use it at your next meal, perhaps recycle it in some tasty recipe?
Advancing even just a couple of bites on your plate you give your brain a message that is very specific and that do not have to finish what you have before you ... the food there now, there will be late and there will always be, so it is not necessary that you make it light ... We are not in times of famine, indeed quite the opposite!

The fourth rule is in my opinion the most important LAYING THE RANGE AFTER BITE
How many times have we come to the end of the meal, we feel burst, and we did not even realize you have eaten?
Place the knife and fork after each bite (or chopsticks ... or keeping both hands on the mouth if we eat a sandwich) has several purposes:
  • enjoy what we eat making us aware
  • chewing more slowly and give your stomach time to send signals
If we eat fast food often tasted, the almost swallow without chewing and digestion with consequences for the satisfaction derived from the taste of the food itself
Chew slowly allows to pass those famous 20 minutes it takes before your stomach sends a signal of satiety to the brain, if you do not spend this time "technical" our brain does not perceive that his friend stomach has had enough and you can stop ... that you continue to ingest food with the result that the hour of those 20 minutes then you feel burst. Eating slowly can also have time to talk with the stomach to ask if they still want those last few bites and not land them in the mouth automatically ..

Listen to your body is a duty we owe to ourselves .. Do not we realize our body gives us signals when something does not work ... Learning to listen to the slightest variation, which is weight gain, loss of muscle tone, endurance, strength, breath ... Learning to listen to the signals that sends us in terms of muscle or bone idle for too much or too much activity ... Learning to listen to time in order to secure an old age in health and wellness is crucial to personal and social level. Life expectancy has lengthened over the last century and will grow more and more ... would be a shame to have so many years to live, but being forced to live them evil for having neglected at the right time .... Think about it ...

The sixth rule says if you have a doubt to be satisfied, STOP!
When you're in front of the doubt to be satisfied, even if you do not have certainty but only a doubt, what are you doing? Go ahead because so much while you're at?? Continue after half an hour because then maybe you hungry again? No! If we doubt you to be satisfied, STOP! If you hunger after half an hour because that certainly was not correct, eat something again, you will comply with the rule that says EAT JUST FEEL FAME ...
When you ask yourself the question arises if the bites are always good in the same way as the first .... if what you have on your plate as appetizing when you think you started .... if the desire to continue is not merely a habit .... When we doubt you left the table for a few minutes and try to feel sensations that you feel ... the seat belt is already tight ... If the stomach already pulls ....

Try ... evidence and experience! This is not to do the same thing ..... this is something different that experience is all right there ....
At first everything will seem perhaps a bit 'articulated but you'll see that with perseverance and practice will become easier and replace the old habit of "eating quickly" with the new "chew slowly and enjoy the food"

We're doing a large job, a job of responsibility and freedom in comparison with food and emotions tied to it ... Continue your journey to your new shape ... physical and mental ...

nice time ...

Friday, October 29, 2010

Male Genital Waxing St. Louis

A beautiful winter white candy buffet

An amazing candy buffet in shades of pink ... I know I often suggest is decorated with pink ... I find it a beautiful color, romantic and delicate.

eat drink pretty