Monday, February 28, 2011

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That is, today, on the street, I met six or seven people I know view.
There has been one of those that have greeted me.
Then I find myself doing that smile like an idiot, so it seems he's laughing at itself, and in fact I'm smiling at those idiots who do not want to endeavor to say a "hello".

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Sunday, February 27, 2011

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The Word of water policy

last night, looking at Emma Bonino Che tempo che fa, I had to laugh when she and Fazio have that funny guy on Berlusconi joked, pulling the ball time factor, and therefore the that it is in politics for twenty years.
I thought the Bonino has little to laugh, because she too is no bad (from '76 in the House).
So today, inspired by the bell ' article today Luca Telese and place this video.
Hello everyone!

Top Best Friend Quotes For Picnik

My Moment, 2

Correction: the only consolation in the distance, you stand under a hot shower and use that bottle of your fund Fern Riviera that remains, love.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Why Antacids Neutralise Stomach Acid

I would like to cultivate the French

From D of the Republic, among the usual heading Questions , page. 35 , one wonders:
you remember when, for the first time, you raised her head, smiling, to discover that he / she had not closed during that kiss your eyes and you were watching?
would be an exaggeration to say that at that time you discover that the world is an unmissable, embarrassing surprise?

No, it would not be exaggerated.
It 's a wonderful look in her eyes.
When we love and kisses you, then it is without a doubt.
I do not ever close my eyes.
only when I did not want to see what I was doing.

Friday, February 25, 2011

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When the unconscious does not want to lose weight

often happens: lose weight is the thing we want more!
It 's the What we feel as a priority in order to reclaim our body, our flexibility, our energy, our prosperity and why not, that image a little more feminine and seductive that every woman (but also boys today are very careful to ' image ;-)) wish for herself.
Slim takes a value greater than a number on the scale. Losing weight often means finding one that blends femininity with the sensuality and sexuality.
Very often when you are overweight we are ashamed of our bodies and we do not feel at ease in putting it on display, even with people we love. Nudity is seen as an occasion for quite painful, with all these stereotypical models of leanness sometimes exaggerated.
We have not seen so beautiful and we are afraid of undress. We do even more, we think that our partners see only our rolls, judge them, condemn them! This often leads us away from the pleasure of an intimate moment that was to unite rather than divide. In a perverse game we feel rejected (as we ourselves were we to refuse) and the desire to haul!
:-) Sex is like a habit than it is, the more you would do less of it and it would not!
and do not feel "desirable" (again, in most cases is just our impression and that of our partners that we often want more than we imagine) we quell that part of us, recognizing it as not necessary or compulsory .
When we decide to lose weight, for ourselves, for our health, our energy and why not, to try the subtle pleasure of a compliment or an accomplice look, we begin to lose weight but the last pounds do not want to leave. Back
to feel "beautiful" can set in motion in our unconscious mechanisms boycott. Go back to being lean and fit, means to feel fully qualified to externalize the sexuality that the pounds we put to rest. It means to be the subject of male attention and compliments. It means to feel desirable again, and above all want to say again. With the knowledge of essercelo fully deserved.
may be that our unconscious to do all this fear and therefore does not lead us to the end never our intent?
threw out the question .... I would love to read in the forum what you think about it.

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Today, the street, I overheard a girl and a friend explained that she studied nursery.
Okay I am about to graduate in art history, but nursery not really.
Then I thought about the culture more generally, when someone I know well (although I do not know) repeats " eh you, try eating with your artwork .
In part I agree. N on a condition of their culture , but only because it is the man to be relegated to a more , something ephemeral, useless, by elites. Grossly mistaken.
Then there's this video, which refers to the essence of good culture would have if it had been misrepresented.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

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Gianni and I saw fifteen thousand women

A party in Forlì is nice when going to the cinema hall and find more or less always, up to four people.
Apart from that go to the movies alone is one of my absolute pleasure.
Apart from that I want the good Gregory was running at least one film per month,
this film is to be seized, as the previous Mid-August Lunch, in light shades, which is overflowing.
Everything is caught in the expressions on their faces, their changes, in the continuous bounce looks.
The game takes place there.
Gianni Di Gregorio And this is absolute master .
Giving sincere laughter from time to time, giving a beautiful snippets of Rome always sunny.

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Of 'so to mom: for' we're shooting a scene where there is one that scureggia.
Tell her that I was reminded of her.

The target of 15,000 visits to my humble journal, so I want to sign with the joke of the day. That is from the film of Boris and that the great mumbles.
countdown begins ...

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Threshold Of dreams and letters

full of things I'm fickle, physical, unclear ...
are only shadows of my character.
(E. Morante)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Chicken Broth Expires

Free ebook


Today I am very happy to say that the blog has been upgraded with a new tool that allows you to learn a bit more about my work and the GNP.
This free ebook download in PDF format directly on your PC by simply registering the request in the page, there is a statement full of ebooks in the category "Books" and that can buy.

To request a free ebook here.

In these pages you will find new ideas to reorganize and revise your relationship with food, making it a time to live with pleasure and taste and not with the usual sense of inadequacy with which the living who are overweight.
There are practical tips and simple rules of common sense and studies conducted by the Ministry of Health, there are guidelines to include in their day a little physical activity and there are exercises to train your mind to change habits not useful exercises that I recommend you do with pen and paper, because reading is not enough, we must act!
I hope you enjoy reading.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Ap Lab Five Respiration Answers

diaita is a way of life

The word diet comes from the greek "diaita" : the significance that the ancient Greeks attributed to this word was lifestyle .

A way of life that you included the right food but also the movement, the ability to live a quiet life, philosophy, music and all that were able to supply good feelings.

In short, everything that contriuiva to generate wealth.

welfare was extended to the entirety of the person, well-being such as to generate an optimal state of physical and mental health, fueled by this lifestyle.
Over time, this word has taken on a different meaning and is primarily in the last 30 years that he has distorted the true meaning. Today, unfortunately, the word diet has become synonymous with stress, duress, privation and sickness.
abandoned the original meaning, now gives the word diaita behavior change that is reduced only to an approach made to renounce food, easy to control the amount of calories in our body whose goal is no longer the general welfare of the person but only the reduction of body weight . The natural consequence are lists of forbidden foods, calorie tables follow with fury at the expense of natural self inherent from birth in each of us and promoting the belief that the less you eat, the more you lose weight, thus putting our metabolism to a severe test.
only pursuing this goal of weight loss, failure to achieve what we want, we respond with feelings of failure, failure of which go to influence the psychological sphere of our identity.
for failing to " lose weight, "we feel incompetent, inadequate, wrong, and we confirm our belief in the cycle of failure.
That word that should be synonymous with being becomes for us a source of high stress!
It 'important to reclaim the original meaning of the word "diaita" try to live as people lived the ancient Greeks, with proper attention to food and physical activity essential for the proper functioning of our body and at the same time taking care of every aspect that is part of us. Cultivating interests rewarding, nurturing our self-esteem with greater care of himself, wearing the dress for healthy selfish when you need it, why is not canceled in favor of others that we can find that well-being that both chasing Greeks and Romans over two thousand years ago!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Friend Who Has Baby Poem

February 20, 2011 18:00 "take a little fact true, with linen pillow - directed by Claudio Longhi

Assembly dramatic texts by Edoardo Sanguineti
Director Claudio Longhi
With Linen Pillow

A drumming ride along the sixty-year history of Republican, recalled from a small kitchen in which the plaintiff and the public are working together (according to a formula interactive that "if you pay your ticket you are entitled to your ration!") in the preparation of a basic "meal per day." Among video footage, music and vintage songs played live, are revisited all the myths, contradictions, tragedies and miseries of our dear Bel Paese: Mike Bongiorno and the emergence of television, the economic boom and the advent of welfare , the years of lead, the fall of the Berlin Wall and the birth of the Second Republic, until our recent history. All through the words of Edoardo Sanguineti, and dedicated to its motto: "The Our real work today, if we love humanity and the world we live in, is the revolution. " Sleek and ironic, Sanguineti today explores the great poet, or as he calls himself, to be paid to political poetry. It is precisely this encounter, that between politics and poetry, which we feel can not be deepened. In an era where institutions seem increasingly distant from everyday life, the people, from reality, politics, and indeed the poem, finds its only reason to be where it meets the daily needs.
With Get a little fact true continues the collaboration initiated in 2010 with the ANPI Rimini , with which we will discuss at the end of the show, along with Flax Pillow, Maddalena Sabattini and other guests, Italy yesterday and today.

Born in Avezzano (AQ) in 1979, he attended the ' National Academy of Dramatic Arts "Silvio D'Amico." He has worked since 2003 with some of the most important directors and actors of the national theater scene, as Gigi Proietti (which debuts), Luca Ronconi, Franco Branciaroli, Warner Bentivegna, Massimo Popolizio, Umberto Orsini, Franca Nuti. Since the early works regularly with director Claudio Longhi, who has supported many projects in theaters (" Caligula", "La Peste ," Oedipus and the Sphinx "," In the Solitude of Cotton Fields "...). Among the other shows that took part there are "acts of war " and " Biblioetica: instructions ", directed by Luca Ronconi; " Romeo and Juliet", directed by Gigi Proietti " Antigone" by Sophocles, directed by Walter Le Moli and many others. In 2008 he founded, along with Rosanna Magrini, Stefano Tognarelli Ivan and Lily, the Association of Theatrical Mimesis . Since 2005 he has worked regularly with Maestro Edoardo Sanguineti, report opened with the staging of his "Natural History " directed by Claudio Longhi. As an actor took part in the film "I , Don Giovanni," in which he played the role of Mozart, directed by Carlos Saura, the " The First Line " history eponymous Italian terrorist group, directed by Renato De Maria " Vallanzasca angels of evil", directed by Michele Placido. Since 2005 actor's commitment alongside the teaching and popularisation of science-drama in schools and universities.

Claudio Longo
Born in Bologna in 1966 and a student of Ezio Raimondi, Claudio Longhi is a Professor in the Discipline of the Performing Arts at the University of Venice IUAV and author of numerous publications. Theoretical research, alongside the commitment stage operations (ie fieldwork): between 1993 and 1995 he was assistant to Pier Luigi Pizzi and Graham Vick at the Rossini Opera Festival and the Gran Teatro La Fenice, between 1995 and 2002 but has worked steadily with Luca Ronconi, first as assistant and then assistant director. Beginning in 1999, also signed in the very direction of events for the Teatro di Roma, Teatro de The Incamminati, the Piccolo Teatro of Milan, the Teatro Stabile of Turin, the Teatro Stabile del Veneto and the Teatro Due of Parma.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

How To Fill Out A Thank You Card

February 6, 2011 18:00 "THE LITTLE TROLL" Company ossobuco - Group Ceis. Children's theater.

Free admission

Directed by Paola Doghieri
Inspired by the tale of Tor Age Bringsward

But because the Troll can not be in the sun ? Why is it so and so has always been!
Troll A puppy not resigned to the stereotypical responses of adult and decides to challenge prejudice and fear . Characters amazing, funny and poetic, will accompany the little Troll on its way to the truth. a Nordic fairy tale that speaks to the hearts of all.

Little Troll: What does this mean .. what does it say that it is an old injury ...?
Old wise .. Prejudice is not reason for themselves, not to experiment on their skin, the injury is not to believe in what we feel is not being able to hear ... is not to trust themselves , is different which is strange to think that black is worse than white, that little troll .. in short, we must not hide from the sun, it's just a prejudice ... look at me! "


ossobuco The company was founded as a joke by a group of parents of CEIS (Centro Educativo Italo-Swiss) in Rimini, close to the fans and the theater world. Thanks to the presence and experience of Paola Doghieri, the group is growing and stable structure in a laboratory, working on improvisation, and voice on the game. The company begins to find its own identity and focus his interest and gender in young people, linked to the world of childhood. This is how original shows, playful, and that in setting up the drama, but also rich in ideas and themes on which to focus the interest and attention of children, but never lapse into mere moralism. Among the most significant exhibitions include:

" Fafifurni " - 1996 - Teatro del Mare, Riccione
"Abbas gray" - 1998 - Teatro del Mare, Riccione
" not enough for me! " - 2006 - Teatro del Mare, Riccione
" Lara and olive "- 2008 - Teatro degli Atti, Rimini
" The little troll "- 2009 - Proceedings of the theater, Rimini