Friday, February 5, 2010

What Time Does Pigeons Sleep

, millions of users

Facebook: six years and 400 million users. But the risk lies

Facebook malware off six candles and prepares to celebrate not only the anniversary but also the target of 400 million registered users worldwide will cut very soon. Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of the most popular social network in the world celebrated the birthday Blog Company entitling his talk with a symbolic "Six Years of Making Connections." Connections - the words of the young CEO - "have made the world more open and connected" and the group of billionaires led Zuckerberg. Today those who have an active profile on Facebook have over 350 million, of which about 18 million in Italy, 50% of members access the site daily, 35 million update their "status" every day and you stay connected to the average Social network for more than 55 minutes daily. Millions of people who chat, share photos, and more and enjoy games and applications, now more than 500 thousand. Facebook continues to his followers to "give" news, the latest in order of time the top menu (which you can now find notifications, requests and more recent messages) and collergamenti Home and Profile. Small details, graphics and functionality to make it even easier browsing experience of users, they can move forward without criticism or resentment as sometimes happened in the past.

If the issue of privacy is a problem at the time exceeded Zuckerberg (with such beneficial effects on users, however, is to understand everything), the risks to its further rise called malware and spam. In fact, according to last reports Sophos security for the second half of 2009, junk mail and virus attacks have increased the order of 70% and just the two currently most popular social site, Facebook and Twitter, are being targeted by cyber criminals. The data which closely concern the people who surf on the social networks speak for themselves: 57% received spam messages, 36% was seen delivering malware. A growing number of people daily exchange personal information and sensitive data on social networks - note from Sophos - and hackers have sniffed an opportunity because too many Web 2.0 sites are concerned only to consolidate its market share at the expense of safety computer. Hence the not disinterested advice: "the social networks and their users must do more to defend attacks, identity theft, spam and malware, the scope of which is becoming increasingly worrying proportions. " The risk of being

steal personal and sensitive information they feel sure the managers, considering that 72% of the 500 organizations surveyed by the American company sees in the behavior of their employees on social networking sites a serious threat to the security of enterprise systems . Too bad that Sophos has also found that 49% of companies (13% more than last year) employees have access to Facebook at all freely. Another figure that will certainly not too much pleasure to deal with the perception Zuckerberg risk related to a single social site. When asked "What do you think social networks is the most serious threat to the security of your computer?" 60% of respondents chose it Facebook, MySpace and Twitter with virtually the same level (18% and 17% respectively) and LinkedIn cited only 4% of cases. A shadow that does not obscure today, the success of the most popular social network on the planet, but that certainly can not be underestimated. / The sun 24h / Gianni Rusconi

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Kelly Green Shower Curtain

Funeras the first social network dedicated to the deceased Italian

In America the social networks of the funeral industry have been around for years, while in Italy the new site is the first example sharing Web 2.0 for the funeral industry.

What is? is a comprehensive database and be available to all (just enter your name, date, sex, age ..) have been reported in which dates, funerals, anniversaries and memorial stones, because the dead "lie down" even in a virtual graveyard . The page of the missing person will be managed exclusively by family members after the obituary was placed by the funeral on the internet. would aim to become the popular reference point for all funeral and events to inform everyone of what (Eg those who live far away or who does not feel for years) ... but not alone, and here comes the fun ...

Who would have thought that a site completely devoted to the funeral industry could become a kind of slightly more macabre Facebook? Yes, is also a social network, a place to meet people who have suffered a bereavement (but it will want to talk about the people who have lost a loved one?) And where you can also create real their profiles dedicated to the dead. We'll see whether this fashion

U.S. will have the same "success" in Italy ... but not just let them rest in peace?

Monday, February 1, 2010

Avital Remote Starter Man

Geronzi to the General

1/2/2010 - The scenario - Geronzi to the General - the economic power Blinda

Massimo Giannini in Italian capitalism there is a "bomb" triggered. If revolutionize exploded in a profound way, even if gattopardesco, the physiognomy of the country's economic power. Next spring, Cesare Geronzi could become President of the General. With the satisfaction of the "usual suspects" of the drawing room, which may continue to sleep soundly in the shelter of shareholders' agreements and in spite of conflicts of interest. And with the blessing of Silvio Berlusconi, who relies on a rearrangement of the establishment for him anything but negative. He had spoken on many occasions since the summer. Then the idea was set aside. Now instead of current session, buildings that count in Rome and Milan. Although, in all likelihood, those directly involved the denial. The moment is propitious. The public is distracted. On the one hand and regional feuds on the clash over justice. Across the grotesque "English corrida" at Telecom, which is now the center-right government is going to sell to Telefonica under counter, built in 2008 after a populist and chauvinist campaign to save Alitalia "tricolor".

Meanwhile, the "casemates" finance reorganize themselves. To consolidate the ownership, and ward off outsiders. To preserve the organization and ensure the chain of command.

Geronzi, therefore, is preparing to '"castling" perfect. The first move in the great chessboard of credit, was the "variant of Luneburg" in May 2007 he left Rome and went to Milan. "Sacrifice" his most valuable piece, Capitalia (creature formed by the merger between First Republic Savings Bank, Banco di Roma and Banco di Santo Spirito) to arrive at Mediobanca. Ascends to the throne who was the Grand Old Man of Italian capitalism, Enrico Cuccia, and opens the game to new scenarios and new combinations. Now it could take a second move. To save himself, and to lock down the balance of a financial system more and more crystallized, it would be ready to make another jump. Leave Milan and go in Trieste. At the top of the biggest Italian insurance company, one of the "prey" the most popular international finance.

Everything revolves around his legal problems. The current chairman of Mediobanca, was acquitted for the crash Federconsorzi. He was acquitted on appeal to the crash Italcase, after being sentenced at first instance. It is under investigation for aggravated usury and fraudulent bankruptcy for the Parmalat crash-Ciappazzi, and the ongoing process in Parma is very insidious. He was indicted for extortion and bankruptcy for the company Eurolat vein, and the process was transferred to Rome. It is under investigation for fraud in Cirio collapse. His position as a banker, which implies precise requirements of integrity, would become untenable if any of the pending proceedings were to result in another conviction. The Banking Act does not forgive, in accordance with the severe decline of the Governor of the Bank of Italy Draghi. The insurance legislation is more lax. For this Geronzi, denying all of it public, for months privately held open the door to the General. In the company of the Winged Lion is the current chairman Antoine Bernheim, a man of 83 who is played by the legendary Andre Meyer Banque Lazard. Not really a kid, even though in theory it should remain in office again next year. But no one has secured the confirmation, as he himself said in early September. Some friends across the border, gave him a hand. On September 11, Emilio Botin, chairman of Banco Santander shareholder with 0.3% of Generali, ventured: "For me, Bernheim is a fantastic president." On September 18, Vincent Bolloré, a shareholder in Mediobanca, reiterated "Antoine is a great president."

But the great Italian shareholders, those who decide seriously, they all remained silent. And now, from Trieste, a qualified source confirms: "The fate of Bernheim is marked." Spring meeting, in spite of himself, the octogenarian Bernheim he retires. "Antoine will put his soul in peace - say sources close to the company - that place is Geronzi. This would decide the owner of Mediobanca, with friends of the drawing room. So the first would avoid repercussions of a judicial nature, and the latter would prevent the hassles of home finance. But as in any game of chess, a move will trigger many more. The interweaving of the old stock of the North Galaxy is deadly. It is impossible to move a piece without the entire board is put in motion. So, if you go Geronzi in general, leaving unguarded the chair of Mediobanca. Piazzetta Cuccia It is the heart of the system, where the safe that contained as much or little that still counts in Italy.

Mediobanca, with a market share of 14.75% is the largest shareholder of General. With 14.2% of capital is also the largest shareholder in the covenant RCS Mediagroup of union (with Fiat, Pirelli, same Generali, Intesa San Paolo, Fonsai, Italmobiliare and Dorint) and controls with General Telecom, with a 11.6% share holding in Telco. In turn, General, with a 2% direct control and another 2% through subsidiaries, is one of the strongest members of the Mediobanca shareholders' agreement. It is the second largest shareholder of Banca Intesa with more than 5% after the Compagnia di San Paolo and together with France's Credit Agricole, and participates in the syndicate of Pirelli with 4.4%, together with Mediobanca, Intesa San at the same Paul and Fonsai of Ligresti.

A terrible tangle, where the monitored control the parent, and of course vice versa. Therefore, for a Geronzi who move to Trieste, there would need to secure a garrison in Milan. And here, according to financial sources in Milan, would come into the game Marco Tronchetti Provera, the current deputy Geronzi with Dieter Rampl (net Unicredit). In the rite Gerontius was his fault the transition from President of Pirelli (a subsidiary of Mediobanca, Generali and in turn shareholder Mediobanca) as Chairman of Piazzetta Cuccia. "For the establishment would be the safest choice - a banker says - why not just coming from Pirelli in health by ensuring all members strong and the Galaxy would undermine him after the troubles of Telecom." It would be a double somersault. Besides, as you know, not at all pleasing to Dragons. But enough doubts on Via Nazionale to block these numbers from the circus? The show-down, after all, does not stop there. Geronzi, this time according to sources in Rome, although moved to Trieste in the richest and most prestigious "satellite" of the Galaxy, would continue to be the center. For this would be orchestrating an even more ambitious, albeit cumbersome. Mediobanca water down its stake in Generali, to make room in the French syndicate of Axa (second giant European insurance) which would cede a portion of its shares (now equal to 2%), including Francesco Gaetano Caltagirone. So Geronzi would be stronger and more independent. Some say even the point to bring a dowry to the General Agreement with a maxi-Americans AIG. But there would be a counterpart for Caltagirone: To return the favor done at Axa, the French Suez-GDF would remove the noise from Acea (in turn owned by Generali with the 1, 9%) when he finally left the field free in the field of Roman water to the manufacturer, remains among the most "liquid" in circulation. It can not be a coincidence that, in these days, the mayor of Rome Alemanno, blatantly contradicting what he had vowed a year ago, the City announced its intention to divest 20% stake in Acea to "business-related territory. " And who else but Caltagirone, the father of Pier Ferdinando Casini the Lazio regional sell its bread, as it happens, the oven in the PDL to support Renata Polverini?

So you quit the game. The system would be safe. It is nothing short of "baroque". It can only exist in a country like Italy. Tends to preserve itself. But it is a system that is appropriate for many. Who is part of it (as employer) and who uses it (as a politician). This is why Berlusconi endorse the entirety of Geronzi on Generali and Mediobanca through Gianni Letta, who in recent months has never stopped its engagement with "the friend Caesar." Not to mention that the Knight, in Piazzetta Cuccia, now has a strong weight: it is in the shareholders' agreement with a 1% payable directly Fininvest (which is why a year ago was able to place the Board in its "president" Marina, the eldest daughter of Silvio) and 3.3% controlled by Mediolanum Ennio Doris.

In the block of political, economic and financial power that is cemented in the triangle Rome-Milan-Trieste everything holds. Completed the 'castling "Geronzi and its pieces behind the concerned director of Palazzo Grazioli, would eventually be holding a" vault "in which they are kept, in order, one of the biggest insurance giant in Europe (General ), the first Italian merchant bank (Mediobanca), one of the country's first two commercial banks (Intesa San Paolo), the network of telecommunications and broadband (via Telecom and Pirelli) one of the first two national newspapers (Corriere della Sera), construction (Ligresti group), the energy and water services (Acea). That must be why those who seem to grow alternative projects to the Galaxy (Luca di Montezemolo) who by choice or it is increasingly at the margins (Alessandro Profumo) is seen as a "threat." It is for this reason that those who cultivate projects for post-Berlusconi, as Giulio Tremonti, is setting up a block of counter-power mixed, half public and half private, ranging from local banks to the future of the South Bank, deposits from the Cashier and loans to the post office, by the multiplication of Consip Spa State in the Defence and Civil Protection. But it will be very difficult dent the steel with which the establishment of the Great North protects itself and supports the 'established political order. " In the face of the "elite plot" against the Knights, and the "powers that conspire" against the government.