Friday, December 24, 2010

Will Pinguecula Go Away?


I inform you that from today this blog is no longer active!

I created a new blog, which captivates the most professional and dedicate my efforts to introduce you to new opportunities to grow and improve your life using the tools I learned with Neuro Linguistic Programming

find the new blog at this link

I invite you to visit and a trace of your passage.

take this opportunity to wish everyone GOOD PARTY!

I hope to find you again ....

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Tunisia Sahara Camel Trek

Laboratory Company Menoventi 14 to 16 January 2011 at the Theatre of Rosaspina Montescudo

unduly 2011 opens with:
Workshop conducted by the Company Menoventi

14-15 -16 January 2011

A workshop that explores different approaches to the scene following the example of illustrious Queneau, in which the formal divertissement turns and goes up to challenge, by the sheer force of language, the artifice of reality. A continuous change of techniques and tools aimed at seeking new perspectives of the gaze. Some points of support will work on loop, the investigation into the quality the presence of the actor and the study of the relationship, direct or otherwise, between the stage and the spectator.

growth in two different regions of Italy, Consuelo Battiston, Gianni Farina and Alessandro Miele follow different paths in their homelands. United by a common understanding of the theater, founded in 2005, the company Menoventi .

Hours: Friday 15-21 Saturday 10-14 Sunday 15-21
Deadline January 10, 2011

The workshop is open to anyone interested, do not need any experience. The participation fee is 75 €. To subscribe send at an email containing the following data: name, date and place of birth, address and telephone number . The mail must have the purpose Registration lab exercises.
You will receive confirmation of enrollment. Participants will be required to pay the fee 1 to January 10, 2011 by bank transfer to:

Cassa di Risparmio di Ravenna SpA
IBAN: IT67E0627023701CC0310088686

A copy of the transfer receipt must be sent by mail to

For information on the laboratory Alessandro +39 349-3241584; ; ;
For information on hospitality and unduly 2011 Cristiana +39 347-5838040; Simona +39 347 5267727

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Sun Dried Mango Benefits

candy pink dessert table ... cakes ... cakes .... marshmallows .... it's a candy table!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Variables Of Ap Biology Lab 6

What is a habit?

Man is the only creature to possess and develop articulate speech. Always wondered where they come from the his mental processes, are his thoughts, his language, his emotions.
Our brain goes back to eight hundred million years ago and has since undergone continuous evolutionary mutations weighs about 1,400 grams. and includes about 10 billion nerve cells, neurons that are connected to each other through neurotransmitters, dendrites and synapses; the nervous system and will carry messages from the brain to every organ and every cell of our body.
cells of the brain, neurons are the only cells that once you die you do not duplicate, unlike other cells. How then does the brain of an adult to maintain his weight and volume if the neurons continue to die? Dendrites are the synapses that give weight and volume continue to decrease ... but the neurons are formed thousands of links. From start new neuron dendrites to synapses that together are going to connect with another neuron, allowing the connection of thoughts, ideas, information, skills and subsequently to the brain increasing potential. The more we experience a different life, the more useful links will be created to impart intelligence. And the more we repeat a behavior and neurological level to create a more dense network of synapses that would give that behavior validity and capacity building.
It 'important to understand the functioning of our brain are therefore known, we can act consciously to go and decide what to put in it, such as habits and behaviors to go to strengthen, rather than acting at the mercy of the situations or emotions of the moment.
Each skill has to become automatic need for repetition ... something done once and will not be just a habit ... To make it a habit we have to do it and redo it so many times until we do without thinking about it ... CCR will be the action that will render unconscious.

All this is of great advantage when trying to change habits that are not useful. Becoming aware that there is a path in our brain chemical that acts and makes us continue to repeat the wrong actions that we believe helps us to understand that it is us be wrong .. is not that we are unable, or worse still failed because they always err in the same situations. So away guilt! I'm just bad habits or bad behaviors consolidated over time by continuous practice and therefore the dense network of neuronal connections that supports them.
are therefore merely a habit. If we begin to find alternative actions to those habits, if we start to beat as you beat a small path by dint of walking on a road becomes a bit 'at a time here we will also create a dense network of synapses, which supports new action and make something recognizable at a subconscious level, so we created a new CUSTOM PROFIT.