Monday, June 7, 2010

Does Texas Dl Have Chips?

cuts to culture, protest in Piazza Navona

"Before burning the books, now it's up to the theaters"

The national demonstration against the move and the Order of Bondi. Slogans and posters, actors and personalities from the entertainment world. "Who disposals culture - Moni Ovadia said - the economy kills and hates young people"

the motto "Culture is a right. Culture is a resource, several hundred people gathered in Piazza Navona to attend the national demonstration against the cuts planned by the recent Finance Act and the Decree Bondi. The event is organized by 'Movem09' and promoted by SLC-CGIL, You know, Fistel-Fai-CISL, UIL-UILCOM, Unda, Ficls-Cisal UsigRai and Fnsi. Under a hot sun already waving flags dell'Arci, unity, Fiasl, Italy and the values \u200b\u200bof the employees of 'Eti.

"The first heavy cuts came to school and research - the actor explains Giulio Scarpati (Sai) - there is no plan for a productive investment. The only project seems to be: less people and more subjects. " "The only concern - continued Scarpati - is not to disturb people maneuver. But we citizens must enter into all decisions and the government should discuss with all categories. I do not want wires 'cuts and gags.' Get sacrifices is important, but we have the authority to do so. " While parading the streets

the manifesto "Before burning the books, now it's up to the theaters, the director also talks about Moni Ovadia. "What is happening is a very serious attack on the life of this country - he says - the crisis is everywhere, but Italy is the only way that cuts so indiscriminate. Disposals Who killed the economy on culture and hates young people" .

The stage set up in Piazza Navona assistance provided by Carla Fracci, Emilio Miceli (CGIL), the actors Gifuni Fabrizio and Valerio Mastrandrea in defense Eti, directors Mario Monicelli, Domenico Starnone, and Daniele Lucchetti, Roberto Natale (FNSI), the writers and Dacia Maraini Mariolina Venice . June 7, 2010


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