Monday, March 14, 2011

Can You Bring Littlest Pet Shop On A Plane

I studied art at the Dams

To be precise, I like to say that a degree in Methodology criticism of the arts.
The same thing's ciency of snacks, you say.
But no.
I chose to study art history (and I could study it even better, actually) because few things excite once painted as well.
Why are not many things more beautiful than a Correggio in Parma Cathedral, seen up close.
Because the human being, even if you do not know, has built art everywhere (or almost), because it is surrounded and does not know. Because the beauty of the Renaissance are unique, because the concept of conceptual art makes me laugh, because there is silence in museums because of Dams Bologna is no longer what it once but it was an experience that I would do ten more, hundred, a thousand times. I chose it because then I met Olga.
I chose art because it is Antonio Paolucci a snake charmer.
choice before I know Mario, otherwise I could claim to have chosen because he is not interested. I chose it because I like the details.
I chose it because when I was little, my father painted and played guitar.
I chose it because today, the discussion of the thesis, Professor Borgogelli was a hoot, and I liked it so much.
I chose it because the culture is important. I chose it because it was too technical degree in architecture and would be finished as Piranesi drawing cards for the Japanese who are still doing the Grand Tour
I chose it because if you do not study art in Italy, then it makes no sense to study anywhere.
I chose it for many other reasons.
And, now, do not stop to study it.


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